
54976 TRF420 Messing-Halter Frontrammer (2) Serviceartikel

Artikelnummer: T54976

Bestelleinheit 1 Stück

Einzelpreis: 14,50 €

auf Lager  Lieferzeit: auf Lager

inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. MwSt.
14,50 € 12,18
zzgl. Versandkosten

Tamiya 54976 TRF420 Messing-Halter Frontrammer (2)

Why not add some extra rigidity and bulk to the front of your TRF420 chassis car – a new setup option which can allow you to fine-tune its steering feel.

Item Contents/Information:
- Brass Bumper Posts x2
- At 6.85g, each post is 6 grams heavier than the plastic B5 component it replaces, adding weight to the front of the car for a different steering setup.
- Compatible with TRF420 cars.

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